President's Message Coachella Valley History Museum President's Message Coachella Valley History Museum

President’s Message

Greetings! Rebecca Rizzo, Board President, here. I am incredibly grateful to be serving as the Board of Trustees President after serving on the board for seven years. I’m excited to share my very first update on the adventures at the museum.

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Kids Programs Coachella Valley History Museum Kids Programs Coachella Valley History Museum

Jr. Historian After-School Program

The Coachella Valley History Museum’s popular after-school program, Jr. Historians, has received a grant from the Anderson Children’s Foundation to fund its day-to-day operations for the upcoming season. In addition, the Women’s Club of Rancho Mirage has provided funding that will be used for one-time purchases and to refresh Jr. Historian’s collection of old-fashioned games. These funds provide a cost-effective educational program.

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Exhibit Coachella Valley History Museum Exhibit Coachella Valley History Museum

Japanese Memorial Garden Project

A new addition to our permanent Museum exhibits is the refurbished Japanese Memorial Garden. It can be considered an exhibit as it represents an important historic event in the Coachella Valley. Japanese immigrants have played an essential role in establishing farms and businesses in the east valley from the early 1900s to the present. 

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